In their joint reality show, Amy and her sister Tammy Slaton call fizzy drinks “sodies” and it seems to have caught on with fans.@noahkash525 wrote: “first thing I said to myself “ oh there is the sodie on the table,” as @deesalsafig22 admitted: “I only call them sodies now.”Playful names aside, the Slaton sister duo’s soda-drinking habit was no laughing matter.Before they began their weight loss journeys, the sisters used to drink up to “12 cans of soda a day”.But now, according to Tammy: “I mainly drink water now,” she says with a smile. “Or if I do drink something else it’s tea…diet tea or sugar-free Gatorades. I do like drinking Crystal Light packets, stuff like that sometimes….but plain ordinary water.”1000lb Sisters airs airs Tuesdays on TLC.