The seven-year study found that any steps over the reference level of 2,200 daily was associated with lower mortality and lower risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks, regardless of how active the rest of the day was.The median daily step count for participants was 6,222 steps a day, with 10.6 hours spent sedentary.Over an average 6.9 years’ follow-up, 1,633 deaths and 6190 cardiovascular events such as heart attacks occurred.Matt Lambert, health information and promotion manager at the World Cancer Research Fund, said the study showed the “more active we are, the more we can reduce the risk of common diseases such as cancer and heart disease”.He added: “What is particularly reassuring in this study, is that for those people with busy lives who find the 10,000 steps figure unobtainable, a significant health benefit was seen in those doing between 4,000 and 5,000 steps a day.”A second study, published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, found even low levels of exercise can help cut the risk of stroke.‘Stay active for heart health’ Julie Ward, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: “We know that daily physical activity is essential to help maintain a healthy lifestyle and reduce your risk of developing heart conditions and your risk of stroke.“These hopeful new studies show us that every single step towards making it to 10,000 steps a day counts to reducing risk of death and heart disease. Even low levels of activity can reduce the risk of stroke.“We encourage everyone to stay active for their heart and circulatory health by doing 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week.“This can be any activity that fits into your lifestyle, such as taking regular walking breaks away from your computer screen, going to the gym, enjoying exercise classes, or even getting off the bus one stop earlier to get more steps in.”