Understanding multiple sclerosis (MS), Health News, ET HealthWorld

By Dr MGV AdityaKey Facts• Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease that causes damage to the myelin layer that protects your nerves, preventing signals going from your brain to your body.• Most patients have relapses of symptoms followed by periods of recovery (remission)• MS can cause trouble with muscle control and vision, tiredness, pain and changes in thinking• A Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan of the brain can show the extent of damage, though there is no single test to diagnose MS.• Though people of all ages can be affected, it is more prevalent in young adults and in females.A worldwide study shows that the number of people with MS across the globe has increased from 2.3 million in 2013 to 2.9 million in 2023.MS can present in a variety of ways, including:Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS): It is usually the first attack. People would be diagnosed as definitive MS if there is a subsequent attack and fulfill diagnostic criteria for MSRelapsing Remitting Multiple sclerosis (RRMS): The most common form characterised by intermittent attacks of symptoms (relapses), followed by a period of no clinical attacks (remissions).Secondary Progressive Multiple sclerosis (SPMS): After living with RRMS for a long period of time, relapses decrease and symptoms continue progressively without relapses or remissions.Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (PPMS): Starting from the initial symptoms, the disease gradually progresses and gets worse without any clear relapses or remissions.Approximately 10 per cent of patients with MS run a primary progressive course characterised by an accumulation of neurological deficits without relapse or remission Symptoms:Symptoms can vary from person to person, can come and go, or get worse over time. MS has the capacity to affect any part of the central nervous system.Symptoms can include:• issues with vision• difficulty walking• difficulty thinking clearly• numbness or weakness, particularly in the arms and legs• muscle stiffness• depression• problems with sexual function or urination• feeling very tiredDiagnosis:MS is a diagnosis of exclusion, and there are no definitive diagnostic tests. MRI can help with diagnosis by showing plaques or sclerosis in the brain and spinal cord. Other tests such as lumbar puncture, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and visual evoked potentials can also help in diagnosing MS.Treatment and careMS can be stabilised by being treated with medicines early in the course of the disease. Treatments will vary for each person depending on the severity of the disease and symptoms. Treatments for MS will also depend on the stage of the disease. The goals will be reducing the frequency and severity of relapses, slowing disease progression, managing symptoms, and improving quality of life.Specific MS Disease Modifying Therapies (DMTs) are to be started as early as possible to slow disease progression and prevent relapses. Steroids are used in the short term to treat relapses. Other medicines can be used to reduce the symptoms, but these medicines do not change the course of the disease and can only help manage the symptoms.Rehabilitation specialists can help improve functioning, quality of life and reduce muscle stiffness and spasms.In the past two decades, treatment options for MS have improved dramatically, but there is still a lack of treatment options for progressive types of MS.There is a growing consensus that DMTs should be started early in the course of the disease before irreversible clinical disability develops. Different therapies should be considered and tailored based on the patient’s condition. Combination therapies could be considered a therapeutic option for patients with failed or inadequate responses to initial therapies. Currently, new ongoing studies are testing the safety and/or efficacy of different combination regimens.Determining the effect of different therapies on the course of the disease within large clinical studies appears easier than evaluating individual responsiveness. Therefore, standardised methods for evaluating individual patients receiving DMTs and the development of effective therapeutic algorithms are needed.The article is written by Dr MGV Aditya, Consultant – Neurology, CARE Hospitals, Ramnagar, Visakhapatnam, CARE Hospitals, Health City, ArilovaDisclaimer:The information provided is for educational purposes only and does not substitute medical advice from your physician. Roche makes no representation with respect to any treatment action or application of medication through this educational endeavour and therefore will not be liable for any direct or indirect damage arising there from. Please consult your treating physician for any further advice and treatment.Input Code: M-IN-00004538, Valid upto: This input is not valid after 25/5/2025Issued in Public Interest by: Roche Products (India) Pvt. Ltd. 146-B, 166 A, Unit No. 7, 8, 9, 8th Floor, R City Office, R City Mall, Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Ghatkopar, Mumbai – 400 086. Tel: +91(22)50457300, Fax: +91(22)50457301

Published On May 30, 2024 at 10:00 AM IST

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