Obsessed with hot showers? Watch out, study links it with skin, breathing disorders | Health News

Mould growth, as per experts, can lead to sneezing, congestion, wheezing, cough and respiratory infections like asthma and allergies. Everyday habits of an individual can play a significant role in influencing mould formation. And further negligence can overtime make it worse.

Hot showers can lead to dry skin.

New Delhi: Showering every day is considered to be the first step towards maintaining personal hygiene. While there are ifs and buts associated with it – for instance dry skin, hot showers in particular are considered to be particularly harmful. While some people may feel relieved after a hot shower, it seems that there are a number of risks associated with it – the longer the shower, the more moisture builds up on the bathroom ceiling, walls and tiles. If the bathroom lacks ventilation, the moisture from long, hot showers can get trapped leading to mould growth.
How do hot showers affect health?
Mould growth, as per experts, can lead to sneezing, congestion, wheezing, cough and respiratory infections like asthma and allergies. Everyday habits of an individual can play a significant role in influencing mould formation. And further negligence can overtime make it worse. Therefore, as per experts, it is imperative to be mindful of daily habits and take essential measures to mitigate moisture levels in the environment and prevent mould infestation. This can be obtained by encouraging ventilation and maintaining a clutter-free environment.
Additionally, as per doctors, there is another mistake that most people make while going for a shower, and that is leaving wet towels on the floor. Experts say that this can be the breeding ground for mould growth, especially in a moisture-filled room such as the bathroom. Mould thrives where wet towels are left in heaps as there is little air for circulation, and a damp environment combined with low light can make matters worse for health. This can lead to the development of black mould colonies.
Over time, this can cause mould to form and depending on how hospitable the bathroom is for moulding and mildew, the towel can start mildewing in less than 12 hours. Therefore, it is advised to hang wet towels on a towel rail to avoid moulds. Additionally, it is imperative to wash them regularly and only clean them with other laundry when it is dry, or else it can spread mould to other clothes.

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